Hall of Records
2023 Leaders
Player Skins Birdies
Christian Gillespie 6 9
CJ Scavuzzo 3 6
Bob Walters 2 4
Jayme Bronson 2 4
Evan Jaep 4 3
Logan Fanrak 3 3
Patrick Rodier 3 3
Steve Blenderman 2 3
Tom Jones 1 3
Mark Jaep 1 2
Eric Hasenpusch 1 2
Tyler Moser 0 1
Jeff Todd 1 1
Brian Gillespie 0 1
Joe Horn 0 1

Major Winners
2023: Steve Blenderman
2024: Anthony Fazzio

2023: Mark Jaep
2024: CJ Scavuzzo

2024 Leaders
Player Skins Birdies
Matt Marchese 8 13
CJ Scavuzzi 5 10
Christian Gillespie 3 7
Joe Battistini 2 4
Mason Shuemate 2 4
Anthony Fazio 1 4
Bob Walters 2 3
Trey Skul 1 3
Mark Jaep 2 2
Dom Grasso 2 2
Ryan Day 1 2
Matt Yoslov 2 2
Dan Felloni 2 2
Brian Gillespie 1 2
Ryan Matthews 1 2
Evan Jaep 1 1
Jayme Bronson 0 1
Eric Hasenpusch 0 1
Tyler Moser 1 1
Mike Felona 1 1
Matt Pemper 1 1

Team Winners
2024: Team Daly- Mason Shumate, DJ Velasquez, Bob Walter and Tyler Moser

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